It would be tedious (for the writer and the reader) if I were to talk about each of the individual events of the last few weeks. I will say that the best of them were the Commencement Ball and the brunch for the Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies department- those big commencements are pretty overrated. The brunch in particular left me with knots in my stomach and a lot on my mind. When I stop and reflect, I realize that I really have gained so much perspective over the past four years, and I don't think that will ever leave me. I think the thing that I will take with me that is most important is learning to surround yourself with the kind of people who support you and support what you find important. I am constantly singing the praises of my department because it has been a major support system for me. Regardless of the fact that some people were mere acquaintances, there was always understanding. The road for the critical mind can be quite a challenge, and it is necessary to have strong souls there beside you.
A quote that kept ringing through my head after leaving that brunch is something that I found on a poster at the National Conference for Media Reform:
So keep fighting for freedom and justice, beloveds, but don't forget to have fun doin' it. Be outrageous... rejoice in all the oddities that freedom can produce. And when you get through celebrating the sheer joy of a good fight, be sure to tell those who come after how much fun it was.
Molly Ivins
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